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I Can Quit Whenever I Want (2019) - Also known as "Lo dejo cuando quiera"

Director: Carlos Therón
Cast: David Verdaguer, Ernesto Sevilla, Carlos Santos, Cristina Castaño, Miren Ibarguren, Amaia Salamanca, Ernesto Alterio, Mero González, Pedro Casablanc, Gracia Olayo, Luis Varela, Leyre Soto, Carla Soto, Mario de la Rosa, Roger Berruezo, Cristian Paredes, Alex Mola, Luca Ching, Tamara Luz Ronchese, Jorge Asín, Resu Morales, Laura Moray, Vicenç Miralles, Aida Blanco, Carlos Suárez, Jaime Vidal, Manuel Gancedo, Mónica Miranda, Alina Nastase, José Chaves


2007. Pedro, Arturo and Eligio are three university students who are looking for graduate hoping to earn respect and money, focusing their efforts in the teachings and not having funny and feasts. But ten years later, 2017, reality is more bitter than they could imagine: Pedro is filing for divorce of his wife Gloria, seeing to his little daughters Clara and Claudia one time per week, being bullied by university's dean Merino, and giving chemistry classes to Chinese exchange students; Arturo survives as home professor giving private lessons for bad students as Jota, a borderline teen girl who openly despises Arturo; and Eligio is a naive and nerd geek unable to finish his thesis in history who is forced by his desperate parents Rosario and Antonio to work in the gas station of Rosario's brother with the streetwise and smarter Anabel. Trying to improve his situation, Pedro faces Merino asking funds for his longtime stopped investigation, only to find himself fired. When Arturo and .

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